This is not a standalone product! It is an expansion to the core product A Pilot's Life - Chapter 2. It must be already owned and installed for this expansion to work. Multilingual Accents: the expansion will include initially 14 different language accents that can be handled automatically based on your current employer or manually selected by preference. Realistic Experience: we used AI voice generation to create authentic and natural-sounding announcements, enhancing the overall in-flight ... This is not a standalone product! It is an expansion to the core product A Pilot's Life - Chapter 2. It must be already owned and installed for this expansion to work. Multilingual Accents: the expansion will include initially 14 different language accents that can be handled automatically based on your current employer or manually selected by preference. Realistic Experience: we used AI voice generation to create authentic and natural-sounding announcements, enhancing the overall in-flight experience. Comprehensive Coverage: from pre-flight boarding instructions to in-flight updates and post-landing announcements, this expansion ensures that all crucial stages of your flight are covered. Customization Options: you will be able to set the volume of the announcements, enable or disable them altogether and as mentioned before, choose your default accent if you wish to do so. Easy Integration: implementing the PAs in our APL V2 system is very easy. You will only need to activate the purchased expansion and everything else will be handled by APL V2. No need to install a separate application or update anything. Custom PAs: use your own PA sound files, share them with the entire community 12 PAs: TEST PA. BOARDING, DOOR CLOSE, SAFETY DEMONSTRATION, TAKE-OFF, SEATBELT OFF, SEATBELT ON, CRUISE, MEAL SERVING, FINAL DESCENT, LANDING, TAXI-IN LANGUAGE ACCENTS: (AR) ARABIC, (AU) AUSTRALIAN, (CH) CHINESE, (DE) GERMAN, (ES) SPANISH, (FR) FRENCH, (GR) GREEK, (IN) INDIAN, (IT) ITALIAN, (NO) NORDIC, (RO) ROMANIAN, (RU) RUSSIAN, (UK) BRITISH, (US) UNITED STATES