Fox2 - TDS GTNXi 750 integration
This mod replaces the right-side Garmin G3X with a TDS GTNXi 750 unit on aircraft provided in Freedomfox & Fox2 Complete and Fox2 Base. REQUIRES PAYWARE: TDS GTNXi 750 unit is available at www. tdssim. comINSTRUCTIONS: CLICK HEREThis mod replaces the right-side Garmin G3X with a TDS GTNXi 750 unit on aircraft provided in Freedomfox & Fox2 Complete and Fox2 Base. REQUIRES PAYWARE: TDS GTNXi 750 unit is available at www. tdssim. comINSTRUCTIONS: CLICK HERE
//42 Developer |
$0.00 ex tax
//42 Developer | $0.00 ex tax