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SKAG Hacaritama Airport
Marketplace |
$5.99 ex tax
Marketplace | $5.99 ex tax
74S Anacortes Airport On Sale
Orbx returns to Skagit County, Washington!Orbx returns to Skagit County, Washington!
Marketplace | Orbx DeveloperMSFS2020 | Orbx DeveloperMSFS2024 |
$12.99 ex tax | $7.12 ex tax
| $11.87 ex tax |
Marketplace | $12.99 ex tax |
Orbx Developer MSFS2020 | $7.12 ex tax
Orbx Developer MSFS2024 | $11.87 ex tax |
Vessels: Global Shipping
Global Shipping adds tens of thousands of ships into Microsoft Flight Simulator, adding to the immersion on coastal flights, approaches and departures. You'll find them crossing the seas and sailing the shipping lanes using real-world, historical Automatic Identification System (AIS) position data that has been collected over a year.
PLUS! Version 3 now adds the US Great Lakes to the scenery.
The variety of ship types includes includes Gas and Oil Tankers, Cargo Haulers, Cruise Ships, Su... Global Shipping adds tens of thousands of ships into Microsoft Flight Simulator, adding to the immersion on coastal flights, approaches and departures. You'll find them crossing the seas and sailing the shipping lanes using real-world, historical Automatic Identification System (AIS) position data that has been collected over a year.
PLUS! Version 3 now adds the US Great Lakes to the scenery.
The variety of ship types includes includes Gas and Oil Tankers, Cargo Haulers, Cruise Ships, Supply Ships, Trawlers, Crane Ships, Dredgers and more. Each ship benefits from wakes, smoke and night lighting effects including navigation lighting. Bring Microsoft Flight Simulator's seas to life!
Explore some of these busy ship spotting locations. . . The English Channel, Gibraltar (LXGB), Singapore Strait (WSSS), River Elbe (ETMN), Bosphorus River Turkey, Çanakkale Turkey, Skagerrak Strait, Bangkok (VTBT), US Great Lakes, Sunda Strait, Indonesia, Long Beach California, San Francisco, New York, Tokyo, Strait of Hormuz.
Note: The free Vessels Core library is required. The Contrail App will install this automatically for you.
Set Ship and Ferry Traffic to 10% or more for the best results.
Set Ground Wind Speed to 3 m/s (7 knots) or above for the best wake effects.
Due to a bug in the sim that prevents traffic from loading fully, we recommend changing the time slightly when the flight loads. This will force all the boat traffic to reload properly.
Uses high quality, LOD optimised, PBR models
Navigation and night lighting as standard
Optimised with multiple LODs
54 x models and variants
Adds tens of thousands of routes based on real-world Automatic Identification System (AIS) data
Works offline
Visible at high altitude 30,000ft+
Includes wake and responsive smoke VFX
Contrail | Just Flight | Marketplace | Orbx |
$13.17 ex tax
| $12.99 ex tax | $12.99 ex tax | $12.59 ex tax
Contrail | $13.17 ex tax
Just Flight | $12.99 ex tax |
Marketplace | $12.99 ex tax |
Orbx | $12.59 ex tax