Just Flight began life in 1995 as a company named The Associates, whose mission was to supply the newly emerging market of flight simulation enthusiasts with the latest and best software. Top quality programs allied to realistic prices and a generous dash of efficiency was clearly a recipe for success and within several years the Just Flight name was firmly established as a trusted brand and the company has grown into one of the world’s largest developers and publishers of flight simulation software.
146 Professional & RJ Professional Bundle
Just Flight | Marketplace |
$125.95 ex tax | $111.99 ex tax
Just Flight | $125.95 ex tax |
Marketplace | $111.99 ex tax
Air Hauler 2
Aerosoft | flightsim.com | Just Flight | SimMarket |
$49.49 ex tax | $49.49 ex tax | $49.49 ex tax | $37.61 ex tax
Aerosoft | $49.49 ex tax |
flightsim.com | $49.49 ex tax |
Just Flight | $49.49 ex tax |
SimMarket | $37.61 ex tax
Avro RJ Professional
Following on from their hugely popular 146 Professional for MSFS, Just Flight's in-house development team has created a high fidelity simulation of Britain’s last airliner, the RJ Professional. RJ Professional brings you all three variants of the RJ family: the RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100. Each variant is fully custom-coded and created using comprehensive, hands-on research with a real world aircraft, RJ-100 SE-RJI. Over 25 high quality liveries represent the vast number of RJ operators from all around... Following on from their hugely popular 146 Professional for MSFS, Just Flight's in-house development team has created a high fidelity simulation of Britain’s last airliner, the RJ Professional. RJ Professional brings you all three variants of the RJ family: the RJ70, RJ85 and RJ100. Each variant is fully custom-coded and created using comprehensive, hands-on research with a real world aircraft, RJ-100 SE-RJI. Over 25 high quality liveries represent the vast number of RJ operators from all around the world. The RJ was developed in the 1980s and 1990s and first took to the air in 1992. The main goal of the RJ was to succeed the 146 regional jets, many of which were still flying in their original analogue cockpit configurations and without sophisticated autopilot or navigation systems. This, along with newer and more modern regional jets from other manufacturers, meant that it was beginning to prove difficult for airlines to operate the 146 in the modern-day aviation environment and a new aircraft was required. The results of those efforts was the RJ, a glass cockpit airliner equipped with an EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument System), PED (Primary Engine Display), FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) and FMS (Flight Management System) - a generational leap in capability from the 146. Other avionics improvements include a fully automatic pressurisation system, digitally displayed COM/NAV/ADF radio, an autothrottle, a TRP (Thrust Rating Panel) allowing you to set V-speeds on the EFIS displays as well as select different engine power modes and a much more advanced autopilot, with LNAV and CAT3 autoland capabilities. The aircraft was also fitted with an FMS as standard, which in our simulation comes in the form of a fully custom-coded GNLU-910A. Amongst all of these more advanced features, the RJ and the 146 both share the same type rating; there are, therefore, a lot of similarities in the operating philosophies between the two aircraft. A true mix of retro and modern and a really quirky aircraft to study and to fly!See the Detailed Description below for full details of all the aircraft features!The following PDF manuals are included with the aircraft software and you can also download them here: Operations Manual / EFB Manual /GNLU-910A FMS ManualWhat are the differences between the 146 Professional and the RJ Professional? See all the details here!
VARIANTSAll three variants of the RJ are included:
Accurately modelled using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft (RJ100 SE-RJI)
Custom-modelled ground equipment (GPU, chocks)
Optional equipment correctly configured for each livery (HF antennas, VHF3 antenna, tail skid)
Highly detailed passenger cabin and galleys customised for each RJ variant, with fully simulated forward and rear galley controls
Numerous animations, including trailing edge flap surfaces, wing-mounted lift spoilers and tail-mounted airbrakes, all cockpit, passenger, service and cargo doors, integral airstairs, windscreen wipers, distinctive retractable tricycle landing gear, and more
Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials produce realistic metallic, plastic and glass surfaces
4K and 8K textures used throughout the product to produce the highest possible texture clarity
Authentic labelling and placards based on those found in the real aircraft, with decals used for high-resolution text
MSFS ground services support (marshaller, fuel truck etc. )
Full support for MSFS visual icing effects
Captain and First Officer positions are modelled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs and controls. Even the pilot and observer seats, cup holders and sun visors are functional!
A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modelled seat belts and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
Accurately modelled CRT, LCD and LED displays
Custom-coded GNLU-910A FMS
Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between 'Cold & Dark', ‘Turnaround’ or 'Ready for Take-off'
Many features have been added to help with usability such as the ability to hide the control yokes for a better view of the instruments and pre-set camera views for the overhead panel, centre pedestal and jump seat, hidden clickspot for setting all altimeters to standard and controlling all four N1 and TGT bugs, and automatic ground idle selection
Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
EFB tablet with a plethora of features including boarding simulation, failures menu and interactive checklists, as well as SimBrief and Navigraph support
Fully interactable and customisable paper charts and checklists
LIVERIESThe RJ comes with a variety of liveries representing the aircraft's numerous operators from all around the world: RJ70
Alitalia Express (EI-CPJ)
Business Express Airlines (N832BE)
Euro Manx (EI-CPJ)
ETPS (QQ102)
Formula One Management (M-STRY)
QinetiQ (G-ETPK)
Air France (EI-RJB)
Airlink South Africa (ZS-TCO)
Blue1 (OH-SAO)
Braathens (SE-DJO)
Brussels Airlines (OO-DJX)
CityJet (EI-RJO)
Crossair (HB-IXH)
Lufthansa (D-AVRB)
Northwest Airlink (N525XJ)
Northwest Jet Airlink (N519XJ)
Sabena (OO-DJK)
Aegean (SX-DVC)
Atlantic Airways (OY-RCC)
British Airways (G-BXAS)
Brussels Airlines (OO-DWH)
British Airways – Colum (G-BZAU)
Cello Aviation (G-ILLR)
Cobham (VH-NJQ)
Jota Aviation (G-JOTS)
Malmo Aviation – Swedish Football (SE-DSU)
North Cariboo Air (C-FSUA)
Summit Air (C-FXRJ)
Swiss (HB-IXT)
Swiss - Zurich Airport Shopping Paradise (HB-IYS)
A PSD Paint Kit is also available to download, allowing for the creation of custom livery and cabin textures. SYSTEMSRJ Professional features fully custom-coded aircraft systems with a high degree of complexity and depth, including: Air-conditioning and pressurisation system
Automatic and manual pressurisation modes with control of outflow valves, barometric and cabin rate settings, indications and cabin altitude warnings
Cabin altitude and differential values based on real-world data
Automatic and manual flight deck and cabin temperature control – takes account of ambient temperature, the amount of direct sunlight hitting the aircraft, air supply from the engines and/or APU, fresh or recirculated air and even whether the doors are open!
Simulated FLT DECK AIR functionality, which when enabled, diverts all air flow from PACK 1 to the cockpit
Realistic APU start and shutdown procedures, and bleed air and electrical power supply
RPM, TGT and fuel burn values based on real-world data
Auto-flight system
Autopilot and flight director system with multiple modes:
Pitch - ALT HLD, APP, LVL CHG and V/S
Flight director SYNC mode for manual changes of pitch in IAS and VS modes
Fully functional mode annunciations, engagement and disengagement criteria (including roll and pitch rate cut-out and stall cut-out) and integration with EFIS PFD and ND
Simulated CAT 3 Autoland capability
Custom-coded GNLU-910A FMS
Communication system
Dual VHF COMM, NAV and ADF radios, with 8. 33kHz spacing support
Cockpit voice recorder test and indication systems
Functioning audio selector, with options to adjust the volume of ATC communications and pilot/cabin crew interactions
PA chimes and cockpit/cabin interaction
Doors and stairs
Animations panel for controlling passenger and service doors, and lower cargo doors
Deployable airstairs, powered by the Yellow hydraulic system
Optionally fitted Airstairs Accumulator via an option on the EFB, when fitted, this stores hydraulic pressure in an accumulator allowing up to two full retractions of the airstairs without the Yellow hydraulic system being pressurised
Optionally fitted Airstairs Lights via an option on the EFB, controllable via a STAIR RETRACTION switch in the forward galley
Doors and airstairs can be controlled manually via their respective handles and levers in the cabin, or via buttons on the EFB
Electrical system
Independent engine, APU and external power (AC and DC) sources
Generator and TRU loading, and automatic load switching
Standby generator and inverter power sources for non-normal procedures
Independent AC channels, including normal, essential and emergency busbars, and bus-tie facilities
Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)The aircraft is equipped with a tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft options and payloads, including:
Set fuel quantity in individual tanks (including total fuel weight, automatically split between tanks)
Set payloads in passenger cabin and cargo holds (including Zero Fuel Weight)
Control the pilot and cabin announcements
Quickly select aircraft states (Ready for Take-off, Turnaround and Cold-and-Dark)
Toggle ground power unit (GPU) and chocks
Monitor CG position and automatically set take-off trim based on CG
Aircraft configuration menu with many options, including altimeter sync, traditional/TCAS VSI, state saving, cabin lighting, model customisation options and much more
The EFB can also be used for flight planning and monitoring:
Import your SimBrief flight and view a summary or scrollable full OFP
Monitor your position in real time using a map view with tracking, zoom and pan options
Support for Navigraph Airport Charts and Navigraph En Route Charts (requires an active Navigraph subscription)
Use a notepad for making notes during the flight, particularly useful for noting down clearances and taxi instructions
FDE and effects
Realistic and accurate performance in the air and on the ground, using unique flight models for all variants based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from real-world RJ pilots and engineers
Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, APU and GPU exhaust haze
Complete exterior lights package as seen on the real RJ, including landing, wing, runway, logo and taxi lights that illuminate objects and the ground, for ease of operation during the hours of darkness
Fire protection system
Engine, APU and fuselage fire detection and warning systems
Engine fire extinguishing system
Fully simulated test functionality
Flight controls
Servo-tab simulation – the position of elevator and aileron surfaces is dependent on servo-tab control inputs and airflow over the surface
Iconic tail-mounted airbrakes, roll and lift spoilers with independent hydraulic sources, realistic deployment times and custom AC and PTU pump sounds
Flight control disconnect and yoke control lock functionality
Accurately simulated flap system with hydraulic and electrical power sources, baulk override, fault testing and iconic howl when deployed in the air
Stall identification and warning systems, including stick shaker and pusher, and inhibit mode
Simulated configuration warning system
Flap Trim Compensation (FTC) system
Flight Management System
Custom-coded GNLU-910A FMS for lateral navigation (LNAV) and vertical navigation (VNAV)
Fully simulated IDENT, RTE, LEGS, HOLD, PROG, FIX, DEPARR, VNAV CLB, VNAV CRZ and VNAV DES pages, and many more!
Autopilot-coupled LNAV including integration with the EFIS PFD and ND
Ability to manually input flight plans or import them automatically via Company Route integration
SID and STAR support
Holding pattern support
Navigation and performance monitoring, including ETA and fuel estimations
Simulated VNAV approach functionality, this provides an advisory VNAV (AVNAV) vertical deviation indicator for non-precision approaches when within the terminal area of the arrival airport
Top of Climb and Top of Descent calculations integrated with the EFIS ND
Fuel system
Realistic fuel load and burn based on real-world data
Simulated electrical normal and hydraulic standby fuel pumps, centre and wing tanks with feed tanks for each engine, and LP and HP fuel cocks
Fully functional centre-to-wing fuel transfer, cross-feed and common-feed valves
Auxiliary fuel tanks fitted (can be toggled via the EFB) to provide additional range - great for bizjet operations
Hydraulic system
Independent yellow and green hydraulic systems with realistic pressure, quantity and supply to other systems
Simulated AC and DC driven back-up pumps and power transfer unit (PTU)
Functional standby generator for supplying AC and DC electrical power in non-normal situations
Simulated depleting brake pressure over time when hydraulic supply is removed or the emergency brake system is used
Simulated airbrake deployment over time when hydraulic supply is removed and the airbrake locks fail
Ice and rain protection system
Ice detection and accumulation simulation, anti-icing and de-icing functionality for exterior surfaces, warning systems for in-flight monitoring
Simulation of separate inner and outer wing anti-icing, and windscreen overheating
Indicating and recording systems
A vast array of annunciators, including accurately simulated Central Warning Panel (CWP) and Master Warning System (MWS) with amber and red cautions, audible warnings and ground testing for all systems
Simulated Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR), Flight Data Recorder (FDR) and Quick Access Recorder (QAR) functionality and ground tests
Aircraft clock with all modes simulated
Landing gear
Normal and emergency gear extension, including gear down-lock override
Gear configuration indication and warning systems
Simulated brake accumulators supplied via the hydraulic power sources (yellow or green), anti-skid and brake temperature indicator with cooling down periods that are affected by ambient temperature, brake usage and brake fans
Captain and First Officer tillers for realistic nose-wheel steering
An EFB option toggles between realistic nose wheel steering using tillers or a more compatible nose-wheel steering with rudder pedals
Independent lighting controls for Captain and First Officer
Dimmable integral lighting for each panel
Dimmable dynamic flood and storm lighting for a highly immersive and customisable night environment (more than 10 individual light sources, including entry, lap, sill and flight kit)
Freely moveable lap and sill lighting
Dimmable brightness of EFIS PFD, EFIS ND and FMS displays
LCD and LED displays vary brightness automatically based on ambient lighting conditions
Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including wing, logo and runway exit lights, and taxi/landing and navigation lights with different intensities
Realistic passenger cabin lighting for forward and rear galleys, side wall lighting and ceiling lighting, including bright/dim controls
Simulated emergency lighting in cockpit and cabin
Navigation systems
Dual Inertial Reference System (IRS) with realistic alignment times that vary based on the aircraft’s latitude. Alignment can be as quick as 2. 5 minutes at the equator, or up to 15 minutes at far north/south latitudes. A fast alignment option is included.
Independent EFIS PFDs, EFIS NDs and FMSs for both Captain and First Officer
Mode Control Panel (MCP) housing autopilot mode buttons, mode adjustment knobs, and target values displayed in LCD windows
Dual RMI/DBI navigation instruments, fed by two VHF NAV and ADF radios, including DME hold function
FMS/EFIS source selector for LNAV 1, LNAV 2 or split navigation via the EFIS PFD, ND and auto-flight system
Fully functioning test modes on navigation instruments (e. g. EFIS PFD, EFIS ND, FLT TEST ANNUNS, DME)
Transponder with TCAS (integrated with the TCAS traffic display) and simulated TCAS test
Custom-coded EGPWS with modes 1-6, steep approach mode, flap warning override and test functionality
Oxygen system
Flight crew and passenger oxygen systems with valve and mask deployment controls
Passenger cabins
Highly detailed and fully interactable passenger cabins for each of the RJ variants
Unique RJ cabin features include a curved aft cabin where seat layout reduces from a 3+3 to a 2+2 configuration for the last few rows, window blanks and smaller overhead bins in the centre of the cabin
Extensive simulation of the cabin environment, including fully animated and interactable cabin doors and airstairs, lighting controls, cabin call panels and even a functional coffee maker and circuit breakers
Ground service electrical bus simulation
Independent lighting controls for galleys, ceiling, side wall, toilet and worktop, including bright/dim controls
AUTO CABIN CREW option on the EFB that, when enabled, simulates the cabin crew performing their duties during the flight, including responding to cabin call chime, playing cabin music during passenger boarding and after landing, and performing passenger announcements
Fully simulated music player with play, pause, skip, shuffle, repeat and volume functions
Potable water that depletes throughout the flight and varies depending on coffee maker usage
Pneumatic system
Realistic bleed air demand from engines and APU, and pneumatic supply to air-conditioning and ice protection systems
Power plant
Fully custom-coded FADEC (Full Authority Digital Engine Control)
N1, N2, EGT, oil pressures and temperatures will all differ subtly between engines
Fully simulated Primary Engine Display (PED), including engine indications, fuel flow and fuel quantity in KGS and LBS, overspeed/overtemperature warnings and manual override controls for N1 % RPM bugs
Accurately simulated Thrust Rating Panel (TRP) with TOGA (MAXimum or REDUced), MCT (Maximum Continuous Thrust) and CLB (MAXimum or NORMal) modes. Takes account of engine bleed air requirements, e. g. for air conditioning and ice protection systems.
Realistic engine start procedures with external, APU or cross-start sources, including accurate EGT behaviour
Take-off and landing speed card which automatically displays reference speeds depending on current aircraft weight
MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of MSFS’ capabilities
Studio quality Lycoming ALF-507 engine noise recorded from the real aircraft
Over 450 flight deck sound effects recorded from the real aircraft
Detailed equipment audio such as the avionics fans, APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment and many more
Distinctive flap retraction/extension airflow ‘howling’ sound
Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
Custom crash and scraping effects
Cabin audio for chimes, airstairs and doors, and even a functional coffee maker that brews coffee!
Fully functional music player with seven music tracks as standard and the ability to import custom music tracks
Extemsive Operations Manual with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations and handling notes
EFB manual with detailed information on all EFB features
GNLU-910A FMS Operations Manual with dedicated tutorial flight
Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including wing views
PSD Paint Kit available so you can create your own livery and cabin textures
MSFS interactive checklist support (manual and Automatic/Co-pilot modes)
Interactive paper charts and checklists in the cabin, with options to import custom documents
EFB option to toggle the units of measurement used throughout the cockpit between KGS and LBS
Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware
GSX compatible; aircraft profiles included for each RJ variant
Aerosoft | Contrail | Just Flight | Marketplace | SimMarket |
$69.99 ex tax | $59.67 ex tax
| $69.99 ex tax | $69.99 ex tax | $58.52 ex tax
Aerosoft | $69.99 ex tax |
Contrail | $59.67 ex tax
Just Flight | $69.99 ex tax |
Marketplace | $69.99 ex tax |
SimMarket | $58.52 ex tax
Avro Vulcan B Mk. 2
Just Flight are excited to bring you the iconic delta-wing Avro Vulcan, developed by Just Flight's in-house team after comprehensive, hands-on research with a real-life Vulcan B Mk. 2, XM655, based at Wellesbourne Airfield. This product includes the B Mk. 2 strategic bomber, K. 2 Air-to-Air Refuelling and Maritime Radar Reconnaissance (MRR) variants that saw service with the Royal Air Force.
The aircraft has been modelled to an exceptional level of detail and features stunning 8k textures, w... Just Flight are excited to bring you the iconic delta-wing Avro Vulcan, developed by Just Flight's in-house team after comprehensive, hands-on research with a real-life Vulcan B Mk. 2, XM655, based at Wellesbourne Airfield. This product includes the B Mk. 2 strategic bomber, K. 2 Air-to-Air Refuelling and Maritime Radar Reconnaissance (MRR) variants that saw service with the Royal Air Force.
The aircraft has been modelled to an exceptional level of detail and features stunning 8k textures, with paint schemes covering its time in RAF service, realistic payloads (including Blue Steel, 1,000 lb bombs and bomb bay tanks) and custom ground equipment. Realistic animations include crew and bomb bay doors, Ram Air Turbine, multi-position airbrakes and the distinctive braking parachute.
The Captain and Co-Pilot positions in the cockpit are modelled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs and controls. A selection of rear crew panels are also modelled. The aircraft features complex custom-coded systems based on real-world manuals, including electrical, fuel and engine systems, and TACAN and VOR navigation. The aircraft are brought to life with wear and tear based on extensive reference photos, immersive dynamic cockpit and exterior lighting and 3D Wwise sounds. The Vulcan B Mk2 is an iconic, four-engine, delta-wing strategic bomber which saw service in the UK during the Cold War. XM655, on which this product is based, was the third-from-last Vulcan to be produced for the Royal Air Force. It was delivered in 1964 and saw service as part of the UK’s nuclear deterrent force throughout the 60s and 70s. It is now being preserved by a team of volunteers at Wellesbourne Airfield.
Following the Falklands War, six Avro Vulcan B Mk2s were converted for air-to-air refuelling as an interim solution prior to the delivery of VC10 and Tristar tanker aircraft that were due to replace the aging Victor tankers. This conversion consisted of the addition of a Hose Drum Unit (HDU) mounted in the tail cone, and three bomb-bay drum tanks. The K. 2 variants served with 50 Squadron (RAF Waddington) from 1982 to 1984.
In 1973 nine Avro Vulcan B Mk2s were converted for Maritime Radar Reconnaissance (MRR). The MRR variants flew patrols around the coast of the UK, primarily operating at high level and using the radar to monitor shipping but also flying at low level for visual identification and inspection. They had a secondary role carrying out air sampling, flying through airbourne contamination following nuclear tests and using air sampling pods mounted under each wing to collect samples for analysis. The MRR variants served with 27 Squadron (RAF Scampton) from 1973 to 1982, at which point the Nimrod took over these duties. Model
Accurately modelled Avro Vulcan B Mk2, K. 2 and MRR built using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft (XM655)
K. 2 air-to-air refuelling variant with Hose Drum Unit (HDU) and animated hose
Maritime Radar Reconnaissance (MRR) variant with air sampling pods and nose blade aerials
Many detailed animations, including:
- Crew door
- Bomb bay doors (with realistic deployment speed)
- Multi-position airbrakes (accurately linked to landing gear position)
- Drogue and main brake-chutes
- Deployable ram-air-turbine (RAT)
- Variable-speed wipers
- Tilting main landing gear
- Flying controls (including elevons)
- Animated pilots
- Retractable taxi/landing lights (with realistic ‘blowback’ above 180 knots)
A range of payload options, selectable via the EFB tablet:
- Blue Steel nuclear stand-off missile
- 1,000lb bombs
- WE. 177 nuclear bomb
- Saddle bomb bay tanks
- Cylindrical bomb bay tanks
- Shrike anti-radar missiles
Most payloads can be jettisoned and can be seen falling away from the aircraft
Ability to configure external model options for each livery – refuelling probe, 201/301 engines, TFR dome, modern aerials and tail fin ECM, HDU, air sampling pods and aerials
Olympus 201 and 301 engine nozzle types
Ground equipment, including Houchin GPU and Palouste compressor for engine start (with custom ground equipment paint schemes for each livery/squadron) and engine covers and chocks
8k textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
Full support for MSFS visual icing effects
A truly 3D virtual cockpit right down to accurately modelled ejection seats and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
A selection of rear crew panels that are essential to operating the aircraft are modelled - AEO panels for controlling the AAPP, RAT and secondary supplies, and Navigator panels for controlling the TACAN and IFF/transponder
Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between 'Cold & Dark', ‘Ready for Taxi’ or 'Ready for Take-off'
Many features have been added to help with usability such as the ability to hide the control sticks for a better view of the instruments and pre-set angled views for the autopilot and rear crew panels
Tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft states, options and payloads, with Navigraph and SimBrief integration and a moving map
Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
Realistic V/UHF radio unit – save and recall commonly used frequencies
Fully functioning magnetic indicators, warning lights and push-to-test buttons
Numerous animated blinds and visors
Realistic flight instruments, including direction horizon, beam compass, control surface and CG indicators
No detail is too small – even the option to switch between day and night modes on the landing gear indicator is included!
Aircraft systems
Custom-coded systems based on real-world manuals, including:
Fuel system – fuel tank groups, transfer and cross-feed, air-to-air refuelling simulation via controls on the tablet EFB
Custom-coded electrical system - alternators, Airborne Auxiliary Power Plant (AAPP), Ram Air Turbine (RAT), synchroniser busbar and AEO panels for controlling the AAPP, RAT and secondary supplies
Flying controls system - Powered Flying Controls (PFCs), Mach trimmer and auto-stabilisers
Engine start system – rapid or normal engine starting, cross-bleed and Palouste external air supplies
Hydraulic system, including the electrically operated hydraulic power pack unit (EHPP)
Oxygen system, including oxygen regulator system with realistic consumption based on altitude – watch the oxygen quantity drop with usage
Air conditioning system – cabin pressurisation and air conditioning, emergency depressurisation controls
Thermal anti-icing system, including airframe and engine anti-icing
Autopilot, including pitch and bank hold
TACAN and VOR navigation, including navigator IFF and TACAN panels
Airbrakes, bomb doors and brake-chute can be operated using standard control assignments for ease of use
Terrain Following Radar – the flight directors will provide guidance to maintain a set altitude when flying at low level
LiveriesThe Vulcan B Mk2 is supplied with 12 paint schemes covering its life in RAF service and subsequent private restoration:
XH534 (230 OCU, RAF Coltishall)
XH538 (No. 1 Group, RAF Strike Command, USAF Giant Voice Bombing Competition 1979)
XH558 (RAF Vulcan Display Flight, 1992)
XH558 (Vulcan To The Skies, 2010)
XH562 (9 Squadron, RAF Akrotiri, Kiwi roundels)
XL361 (617 Squadron, RAF Scampton, anti-flash white)
XL426 (83 Squadron, RAF Scampton, anti-flash white)
XL426 (Vulcan Restoration Trust)
XM600 (9 Squadron, RAF Cottesmore)
XM607 (44 Squadron, RAF Waddington, Black Buck)
XM607 (44 Squadron, RAF Waddington, Red Flag 77-9)
XM655 (35 Squadron, RAF Scampton)
XM655 (XM655 Maintenance and Preservation Society)
The Vulcan K. 2 is supplied with four paint schemes:
XH558 (50 Squadron, RAF Waddington)
XJ825 (50 Squadron, RAF Waddington)
XL445 (50 Squadron, RAF Waddington)
XM571 (50 Squadron, RAF Waddington)
The Vulcan MRR is supplied with two paint schemes:
XH534 (27 Squadron, RAF Scampton)
XH560 (27 Squadron, RAF Scampton)
A PSD Paint Kit (1. 1GB) is also available to download.
Over 25 fully functioning lighting controls in the cockpit to control the internal and external lighting
Independent lighting controls for 1st Pilot and Co-pilot
Dimmable dynamic flood lighting for a highly immersive and customisable night environment
Freely moveable spot lights
MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
Studio quality Olympus 301 AND Olympus 201 'howl' engine sounds, recorded from the real aircraft
Hundreds of flight deck sound effects recorded from the rear aircraft
Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
Custom crash and scraping effects
FDE and effects
Realistic and accurate flight dynamics based on real-world performance and handling data
Three separate flight models included to simulate the change in performance of each engine type (Olympus 200 Series, Olympus 202 and Olympus 301)
Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, Houchin GPU and Palouste compressor exhaust haze
Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including independent taxi/landing lights, and refuelling lights
Other features
Comprehensive PDF manual with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations and handling notes
Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including bomb bay camera
PSD paint kit included so you can create your own paint schemes
Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and Automatic/Co-pilot modes)
Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware
Aerosoft | Contrail | Just Flight | Marketplace | SimMarket |
$38.99 ex tax | $31.18 ex tax
| $32.99 ex tax | $32.99 ex tax | $30.58 ex tax
Aerosoft | $38.99 ex tax |
Contrail | $31.18 ex tax
Just Flight | $32.99 ex tax |
Marketplace | $32.99 ex tax |
SimMarket | $30.58 ex tax
BAe 146 Professional
Following on from their popular Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer and PA-28 family of aircraft for MSFS, Just Flight's in-house team has developed this highly detailed simulation of the 146 regional jet following comprehensive, hands-on research with a real-world aircraft, G-JEAO, which retired from service with British European Airways in 2000 and is now preserved at the de Havilland Aircraft Museum, and the CC. Mk2 and C. Mk3 aircraft of Royal Air Force, 32 (The Royal) Squadron.
Just Flight ... Following on from their popular Hawk T1/A Advanced Trainer and PA-28 family of aircraft for MSFS, Just Flight's in-house team has developed this highly detailed simulation of the 146 regional jet following comprehensive, hands-on research with a real-world aircraft, G-JEAO, which retired from service with British European Airways in 2000 and is now preserved at the de Havilland Aircraft Museum, and the CC. Mk2 and C. Mk3 aircraft of Royal Air Force, 32 (The Royal) Squadron.
Just Flight are excited to bring you the 146 ‘Whisper Jet’ – featuring the 100, 200 and 300 series of this classic British airliner. The design process of what was to become the 146-100 began under Hawker Siddeley in 1973, when the iconic high T-tail, short undercarriage, four engines and distinctive airbrake were chosen to produce a regional airliner with short-field performance and quiet operation. The 146-100 first flew in 1981, followed by the stretched 200 series in 1982 and the 300 series in 1988.
The Royal Air Force purchased three 146-100s in 1986 and these were operated by The Queen's Flight, designated the CC. Mk2 ‘Statesman’ and equipped with VIP cabins. The aircraft were used to transport the British royal family and senior members of the UK military and government.
The 146 was also popular with cargo operators due to its excellent capacity and low engine noise, allowing for night flights into city airports. Two cargo variants were developed: the convertible passenger and freight variant (QC) and the freight-only Quiet Trader (QT). The Royal Air Force also operated two 200QC aircraft, designated the C. Mk3.
Eight variants of the 146 are included in this product – the 100 to 300 passenger variants, the 200QC and QT, 300 QT, RAF CC. Mk2 ‘Statesman’ and C. Mk3 – offering a wide variety of configurations, ranges and flight operations across the globe.
The exterior models are stunningly detailed, featuring 8K and 4K textures for incredible clarity and the latest Physical Based Rendering (PBR) material technology to produce realistic metallic, plastic and glass surfaces. Realistic animations include trailing-edge flap mechanisms, spoilers, large tail-mounted airbrake and all passenger and cargo doors.
The Captain and First Officer positions in the cockpit are modelled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs and controls. The aircraft features complex custom-coded systems based on real-world FCOMs, including hydraulic, electrical, fuel and pressurisation, and the cockpit is also fitted with a functional Thrust Management System (TMS) and comprehensive navigation equipment which includes traditional navigation equipment for tracking VORs, NDBs and ILSs, as well as two types of FMS for RNAV navigation.
The aircraft are brought to life with immersive dynamic lighting and 3D Wwise sounds, with unique flight dynamics for each variant and custom effects from condensation and contrails to realistic exterior lighting.
The 146 was flown all around the world and over 40 airline liveries from the UK, USA, Europe and Australia are included, bringing you many iconic airlines and paint schemes.
See the Detailed Description below for full details of all the aircraft features and you can also take a look at the PDF manuals: 146 Professional Operations Manual, UNS-1 FMS Manual, EFB manual.
New features - the 146 Professional has received many significant updates/upgrades since the original release, with a plethora of changes being made to the aircraft systems and visuals, as well as extra features and quality-of-life additions based on community feedback. This all ensures that the 146 Professional is one of the most complete products available for MSFS! The free 'Version 2' update (4 April 2024) adds even more features, including fully interactable passenger cabins, a UNS-1 Flight Management System and boarding simulation. A video covering these latest additions can be viewed here. VARIANTS
Eight variants of the 146 are included:
146-200 QC & QT (cargo)
146-300 QT (cargo)
CC. Mk2 (RAF VIP configuration with countermeasure pods)
C. Mk3 (RAF cargo configuration with countermeasure pods)
Accurately modelled using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft (G-JEAO, ZE701 and ZE708)
Numerous animations, including: - Trailing edge flap surfaces - Wing-mounted spoilers and tail-mounted airbrake - All passenger, service and cargo doors, and integral airstairs - Windscreen wipers - Distinctive retractable tricycle landing gear - Countermeasure pods, HF aerial and more
Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials produce realistic metallic, plastic and glass surfaces
4K and 8K textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity
Authentic labelling and placards based on those found in the real aircraft, with decals used for high-resolution text
Ground services support (marshaller, fuel truck etc. )
Full support for MSFS visual icing effects
Highly detailed and fully simulated passenger and cargo cabins
Captain and First Officer positions are modelled with hundreds of functional switches, knobs and controls. Even the pilot and observer seats, cup holders and sun visors are functional!
A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modelled seat belts and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
Aircraft state system which will automatically save the aircraft state whenever a flight is saved and reload it whenever that flight is loaded
Aircraft configuration system which allows you to choose between 'Cold & Dark', ‘Turnaround’ or 'Ready for Take-off'
Many features have been added to help with usability such as the ability to hide the control yokes for a better view of the instruments and pre-set camera views for the overhead panel, centre pedestal and jump seat, hidden clickspot for setting all altimeters to standard and controlling all four N1 and TGT bugs, and automatic ground idle selection
Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
Fully compatible with MSFS VR mode
EFB tablet with a plethora of features including boarding simulation, failures menu and interactive checklists, as well as SimBrief and Navigraph supportFully interactable and customisable paper charts and checklists
The 146 comes with a variety of airline liveries from the UK, USA, Australia, Europe and more.
Air France Express (G-JEAT)
British Aerospace demonstrator (G-SSSH)
Dan-Air London (G-BKMN)
Formula One Flight Operations White (G-OFOM)
Formula One Flight Operations Silver (G-OFOA)
Jersey European (G-JEAO)
Pacific Southwest Airlines (N246SS)
United Express (N463AP)
AirCal (N146AC)
Air Canada Jazz (C-GRNZ)
American Airlines (N699AA)
Cello Aviation (G-RAJJ)
Cobham Aviation (VH-NJG)
Continental Express (N406XV)
Jota Aviation (G-SMLA)
QantasLink (VH-NJJ)
SN Brussels Airlines (OO-DJJ)
USAir (N165US)
Crossair (HB-IXD)
Discovery Air (N882DV)
TNT Airways (OO-TAZ)
Titan Airways (G-ZAPK)
TNT Airways 1990s (G-TNTA)
Ansett Australia Airlines Cargo (VH-JJZ)
Titan Airways (G-ZAPR)
Aer Lingus (EI-CTO)
Air New Zealand (ZK-NZN)
Ansett Australia (VH-EWM)
Astra Airlines (SX-DIZ)
British Airways (G-OINV)
Eurowings (D-AQUA)
Cobham Aviation Services (VH-NJN)
Flybe (G-JEBC)
Buzz (G-UKID)
United Express (N615AW)
146-300 QT
ASL Airlines (EC-MID)
Australian Air Express (VH-NJM)
Jota Aviation (G-JOTE)
TNT Airways (OO-TAD)
CC. Mk2
RAF Statesman modern (ZE701 – Queen’s Flight)
RAF Statesman 1980s (ZE701 – Queen’s Flight)
C. Mk 3
RAF (ZE708)
A PSD Paint Kit (2. 1GB) is also available to download.
146 Professional features custom-coded aircraft systems with a high degree of complexity and depth, including:
Air-conditioning and pressurisation system
Automatic and manual pressurisation modes with control of outflow valves, barometric and cabin rate settings, indications and cabin altitude warnings
Cabin altitude and differential values based on real-world data
Automatic and manual flight deck and cabin temperature control – takes account of ambient temperature, air supply from the engines and/or APU, fresh or recirculated air and even whether the doors are open!
Auto-flight system
Autopilot and flight director system with multiple modes: - Pitch - altitude arm and hold, vertical speed, IAS, Mach, glideslope and go-around - Roll – VLOC, BLOC, LNAV (FMC) and HDG - Turbulence mode - Pitch and bank selection and hold - Sync mode for quick changes to aircraft attitude
Fully-functional mode annunciations, engagement and disengagement criteria (including roll and pitch rate cut-out and stall cut-out) and integration with ADI and HSI
Simulated CAT 2 approach monitoring system
Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)The aircraft is equipped with a tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft options and payloads, including:
Set fuel quantity in individual tanks (including total fuel weight, automatically split between tanks)
Set payloads in passenger cabin and cargo holds (including Zero Fuel Weight)
Control the pilot and cabin announcements
Quickly select aircraft states (Ready for Take-off, Turnaround and Cold-and-Dark)
Toggle ground power unit (GPU) and chocks
Monitor CG position and automatically set take-off trim based on CG
Aircraft configuration menu with many options, including altimeter sync, traditional/TCAS VSI, state saving, cabin lighting, model options and much more
The EFB can also be used for flight planning and monitoring:
Import your SimBrief flight and view a summary or scrollable full OFP
Monitor your position in real time using a map view with tracking, zoom and pan options
Explore and view your Navigraph charts
Use a notepad for making notes during the flight, particularly useful for noting down clearances and taxi instructions
Flight Management System
Two fully functional FMSs for lateral navigation (LNAV): a 'Modern' option based on the popular Working Title Pro Line 21 FMS and a 'Classic option simulating the Universal UNS-1 FMS
Up-to-date AIRAC cycles (Working Title FMS updated via the Navigraph MSFS database; Universal UNS-1 updatable via the Navigraph Hub app with a subscription)
Lateral navigation integration with LNAV autopilot mode and HSI
Ability to manually input full flight plans
SimBrief flight plan import function
Import flight plan from MSFS main menu (Working Title FMS only)
SID and STAR support
Holding pattern support
Navigation and performance monitoring
Communication system
Dual VHF COMM, NAV and ADF radios, with 8. 33kHz spacing support
Cockpit voice recorder test and indication systems
Functioning audio selector and PA chime
Electrical system
Independent engine, APU and external power (AC and DC) sources
Generator and TRU loading, and automatic load switching
Standby generator and inverter power sources for non-normal procedures
Independent AC channels, including normal, essential and emergency busbars, and bus-ties facilities
Fire protection system
Engine, APU and fuselage fire detection and warning systems
Engine fire extinguishing system
Fully simulated test functionality
Flight controls
Servo-tab simulation – the position of elevator and aileron surfaces is dependent on servo-tab control inputs and airflow over the surface
Iconic tail-mounted airbrakes, roll and lift spoilers with independent hydraulic sources, realistic deployment times and custom AC and PTU pump sounds
Flight control disconnect and yoke control lock functionality
Accurately simulated flap system with hydraulic and electrical power sources, baulk override, fault testing and iconic howl when deployed in the air
Stall identification and warning systems, including stick shaker and pusher, and inhibit mode
Simulated configuration warning system
Flap Trim Compensation (FTC) system on the 146-300
Fuel system
Realistic fuel load and burn based on real-world data
Simulated electrical normal and hydraulic standby fuel pumps, centre and wing tanks with feed tanks for each engine, and LP and HP fuel cocks
Fully functional centre-to-wing fuel transfer, cross-feed and common-feed valves
Auxiliary fuel tanks fitted (can be toggled via the EFB) to provide additional range - great for bizjet operations
Hydraulic system
Independent yellow and green hydraulic systems with realistic pressure, quantity and supply to other systems
Simulated AC- and DC-driven back-up pumps and power transfer unit (PTU)
Functional standby generator for supplying AC and DC electrical power in non-normal situations
Simulated depleting brake pressure over time when hydraulic supply is removed
Simulated airbrake deployment over time when hydraulic supply is removed
Ice and rain protection system
Ice detection and accumulation simulation, anti-icing and de-icing functionality for exterior surfaces, warning systems for in-flight monitoring
Simulation of separate inner and outer wing anti-icing, and windscreen overheating
Indicating and recording systems
A vast array of annunciators, including accurately simulated Master Warning System (MWS) with amber and red cautions, audible warnings and ground testing for all systems
Flight Data Entry Panel (FDEP) for entering flight details (date, flight leg and number)
Landing gear
Normal and emergency gear extension, including gear down-lock override
Gear configuration indication and warning systems
Simulated brake accumulators supplied via the hydraulic power sources (yellow or green), anti-skid and brake temperature indicator with cooling down periods that are affected by ambient temperature, brake usage and brake fans
Captain and First Officer tillers for realistic nose-wheel steering
Navigation systems
Transponder with TCAS (integrated with VSI TCAS display) and flight ID input functionality
Dual RMI/DBI and HSI navigation instruments, fed by two NAV and ADF radios, including DME hold function
Instrument source selector for NAV 1, NAV 2 or dual navigation via the ADI, HSI and auto-flight system
Choice of traditional or TCAS VSI
Fully functioning test modes on navigation instruments (e. g. HSI, radio altimeter and ADI)
Custom-coded GPWS with modes 1-6, steep approach mode, flap warning override and test functionality
Oxygen system
Flight crew and passenger oxygen systems with valve and mask deployment controls
Pneumatic system
Realistic bleed air demand from engines and APU, and pneumatic supply to air-conditioning and ice protection systems
Realistic APU start and shutdown procedures, and bleed air and electrical power supply
RPM, TGT and fuel burn values based on real-world data
Doors and stairs
Animations panel for controlling passenger and service doors, lower cargo doors and fuselage cargo door
Deployable airstairs, powered by the Yellow hydraulic system
Doors and airstairs can be controlled manually via their respective handles and levers in the cabin
Power plant
N1, N2, TGT, oil pressures and temperatures will all differ subtly between engines
Accurately simulated Thrust Modulation System (TMS) with take-off (full or flexible), maximum continuous thrust, TGT and descent modes. Takes account of engine bleed air requirements, e. g. for air conditioning and ice protection systems.
Realistic engine start procedures with external, APU or cross-start sources
Simulation of ground and flight idle baulks
Take-off and landing speed card which automatically displays reference speeds depending on current aircraft weight, and settable airspeed indicator and engine instrument bugs
Independent lighting controls for Captain and First Officer
Dimmable integral lighting for each panel
Dimmable dynamic flood and storm lighting for a highly immersive and customisable night environment (more than 10 individual light sources, including entry, lap, sill and flight kit)
Freely moveable lap and sill lighting
Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including wing, logo and runway exit lights, and taxi/landing and navigation lights with different intensities
Realistic passenger cabin and cargo area lighting
MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
Studio quality Lycoming ALF-502 engine noise recorded from RAF C. Mk3 ZE708
Over 450 flight deck sound effects recorded from RAF CC. Mk2 ZE701
Detailed equipment audio such as the APU, brake fans, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment and many more
Distinctive flap retraction/extension airflow ‘howling’ sound
Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
Custom crash and scraping effects
Cabin audio for chimes, airstairs and doors, and even a functional coffee maker!
Fully functional music player with seven music tracks as standard and the ability to import custom music tracks
FDE and effects
Realistic and accurate performance in the air and on the ground, using unique flight models for all variants based on real-world performance and handling data, and input from real-world 146 pilots
Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, GPU and APU exhaust haze
Complete exterior lights package as seen on the real 146, including landing, wing, runway, logo and taxi lights that illuminate objects and the ground, for ease of operation during the hours of darkness
Passenger cabine
Highly detailed and fully interactable passenger cabins for each of the 146 variants
Unique 146 cabin features include a curved aft cabin where seat layout reduces from a 3+3 to a 2+2 configuration for the last few rows, window blanks and smaller overhead bins
Extensive simulation of the cabin environment, including fully animated and interactable cabin doors and airstairs, lighting controls, cabin call panels and even a functional coffee maker and circuit breakers
Ground service electrical bus simulation
Independent lighting controls for galleys, ceiling, side wall, toilet and worktop.
AUTO CABIN CREW option on the EFB that, when enabled, simulates the cabin crew performing their duties during the flight, including responding to cabin call chime, playing cabin music during passenger boarding and after landing, and performing passenger announcements
Fully simulated music player with play, pause, skip, shuffle, repeat and volume functions
Potable water that depletes throughout the flight and varies depending on coffee maker usage
Freighter cabins included for 200QC, 200QT and 300QC
Other features
260+ page PDF Operations Manual with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations and handling notes
20+ page PDF EFB manual with detailed information on all EFB features
50+ page UNS-1 Operations Manual
Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including wing views
PSD Paint Kit (2. 1GB) available so you can create your own paint schemes
Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and Automatic/Co-pilot modes)
Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with controllers and hardware
GSX compatible; aircraft profiles included for each 146 variant
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Fokker F28 Professional v2 On Sale
Following on from their award-winning 146 Professional for MSFS, the Just Flight in-house team has developed this high fidelity simulation of the F28 regional jet following comprehensive, hands-on research with a real world aircraft, ex-PH-CHN at AM&TS (Curio) Woensdrecht. Just Flight are excited to bring you all four production variants of the F28: the Mk 1000 to the Mk 4000. Announced in 1962, the F28 Mk 1000 first flew in 1967 and entered airline service in 1969. The Mk 2000, 3000 and 400... Following on from their award-winning 146 Professional for MSFS, the Just Flight in-house team has developed this high fidelity simulation of the F28 regional jet following comprehensive, hands-on research with a real world aircraft, ex-PH-CHN at AM&TS (Curio) Woensdrecht. Just Flight are excited to bring you all four production variants of the F28: the Mk 1000 to the Mk 4000. Announced in 1962, the F28 Mk 1000 first flew in 1967 and entered airline service in 1969. The Mk 2000, 3000 and 4000 variants followed in the 1970s and featured increases in fuselage length and wingspan. Production ended in 1987. The aircraft proved to be popular and entered airline service around the world, with a small number of military operators still flying the type into the mid-2020s. The Just Flight F28 Professional features incredibly detailed models with 4K and 8K textures for the highest possible texture detail and clarity. Realistic animations include dynamic wing-flex, all passenger, service and cargo doors, and the distinctive lift dumpers and tail-mounted airbrake. In the cockpit, the Captain, Co-Pilot and jump seat positions are modelled, with every switch, knob and lever animated and functional. A highly detailed and accessible passenger cabin and galley are included and include fully interactable forward galley controls for door operation, cabin lights, cabin-to-cockpit calls, cabin temperature and even a music system!The aircraft features complex custom-coded systems based on real-world FCOMs, including hydraulic, electrical, fuel and pressurisation systems. Wear and tear based on extensive reference photos and a 3D Wwise sound set provide an authentic cockpit environment, with highly realistic flight dynamics for each variant completing the immersive experience. See the Detailed Description below for full details of all the aircraft features!The Operating Manual and the EFB manual are included with the aircraft software and you can also download them here. Four F28 tutorial videos are available to view on YouTube.
Four variants of the F28 Fellowship are included: - Mk 1000 - Mk 2000 - Mk 3000 - Mk 4000
Accurately modelled using real-world aircraft plans and comprehensive photography of the real aircraft, ex-PH-CHN at AM&TS (Curio) Woensdrecht
Realistic animations, including all passenger, service and cargo doors, jetway-configurable passenger door, control surfaces and mechanisms, distinctive lift dumpers and tail-mounted airbrake
4K and 8K textures are used to produce the highest possible texture clarity, with decals used for high-resolution text
Full support for MSFS visual icing effects and ground services support
Authentic labelling and placards based on those found in the real aircraft
Realistic, dynamic wing-flex
Custom ground equipment (GPU, cones and chocks)
Optional engine hush kits
Optional HF antennas
Detailed external models customised for each F28 variant
Detailed passenger cabin and galley customised for each F28 variant, with fully functional forward galley controls
Captain, Co-Pilot and jump seat positions modelled with every switch, knob and lever animated and functional
A truly 3D cockpit environment right down to accurately modelled seat belts and screw heads - every instrument is constructed fully in 3D with smooth animations
Authentic gauges and navigation equipment, including RMI (VOR/ADF) and HSI
Realistic autopilot system including pitch, roll, altitude and IAS hold modes, and navigation hold mode that can be linked to the MSFS flight plan
GNS530 GPS navigation option
Cockpit textures feature wear and tear based on reference photos taken in the real aircraft to produce an authentic environment
Aircraft configuration system that allows you to choose between 'cold & dark', ‘turnaround’ or 'ready for take-off' save states
Many features have been added to help with usability, such as the ability to hide the control yokes for a better view of the instruments and pre-set angled views for the overhead and centre pedestal
Tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft states and options and checking aircraft and flight information, including full Navigraph and simBrief integration
Developed using the latest MSFS standards, including intuitive and easy-to-use controls for rotary knobs, multi-position switches and levers
Compatible with MSFS VR mode
Realistic dimmable lighting from multiple fixed and moveable sources
Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and automatic/Co-pilot modes)
LIVERIESThe F28 Fellowship comes with with a range of 33 liveries from around the world, reflecting its varied airline service:Mk 1000
Air France (F-BUTE)
Air Ontario (C-FONG)
Argentine Air Force (T-50)
Braathens S. A. F. E. (LN-SUO)
Canadian Regional (C-GYCR)
Demonstrator (PH-MOL)
Horizon Air (N801PH)
Martinair (PH-MAT)
Time Air (C-FTAV)
Mk 2000
Ghana Airways (9G-ABZ)
Nigeria Airways (5N-ANB)
TAT Air France (F-GDUU)
TAT British Airways (F-GDUV)
TAT European (F-GDUU)
TAT Yellow (F-GDUS)
Mk 3000
Ansett Australia Airlines (VH-EWF)
Ansett Express (VH-EWF)
Garuda (PK-GVT)
Saudia (OY-BRM)
Mk 4000
Air Anglia (PH-ZBT)
Air France (F-GDUY)
Air Niugini (P2-AND)
Empire (N117UR)
KLM Cityhopper (PH-CHD)
Korean Air (HL7284)
Linjeflyg (SE-DGI)
NLM Cityhopper (PH-CHD)
Piedmont (N505)
Sabena (F-GDUY)
Scandinavian Airlines (SE-DGN)
US Air (N499US)
PSD paint kits are available in the Support section so you can create your own paint schemes. SYSTEMSThe F28 Professional features custom-coded aircraft systems with a high degree of complexity and depth, including: Air-conditioning, bleed air supply and pressurisation systems
Automatic and manual flight deck and cabin temperature control – takes account of ambient temperature, air supply from the engines and/or APU, fresh or recirculated air and even whether the doors are open!
Automatic and manual pressurisation modes with control of outflow valves, barometric and cabin rate settings, indications and cabin altitude warnings
Cabin altitude and differential values based on real-world data
Simulated emergency cabin depressurisation procedures
Controllable cockpit and cabin temperature from controls in the cockpit and forward galley, including accurately simulated valve position indicators, duct temperature indicators and cabin temperature indicators
Realistic bleed air demand from engines and APU, and pneumatic supply to air conditioning and ice protection systems
Fully simulated Automatic Shut-Off System which automatically opens and closes air conditioning valves based on the bleed air requirements for other systems
Autopilot with multiple modes: - Pitch – PITCH hold, HT (height) hold, IAS hold, and GLIDE - ROLL – Roll hold, HDG hold and BEAM - Pitch and bank controller via Autopilot Controller
Independent Flight Director system with multiple modes: - PITCH COMMAND – manual pitch control of flight director bars - HDG – guidance to fly to the selected heading - VOR/LOC – guidance to intercept and maintain VOR/localiser beam - GS AUTO – guidance to intercept and maintain localiser and glideslope beams - GS MAN – guidance to immediately intercept and maintain localiser and glideslope beams - ALTITUDE HOLD – guidance to maintain the current altitude
Fully functional progress annunciations, engagement and disengagement criteria (including roll and pitch rate cut-out and stall cut-out) and integration with ADI and HSI
Optional GNS530 GPS integration providing full RNAV capability including SIDs and STARs, and MSFS flight plan import support
Radio altimeter with decision height set and test functions
Auxiliary Power Unit (APU)
Realistic APU start and shutdown procedures, including overspeed test
Realistic bleed air and electrical power supply
RPM, TGT and fuel burn values based on real-world data
Communication system
Dual VHF COMM, NAV and ADF radios, with 8. 33KHz spacing support
Cockpit voice recorder test and indication systems
Functioning audio selector and PA chimes
Fully simulated forward galley cabin controls for cabin-to-cockpit communication
Doors and stairs
EFB page for controlling passenger, service and cargo doors
Simulated manual operation of the passenger and service doors via door controls in the forward galley
Passenger door convertible into jetway configuration with automatic jetway connection
Integral stair lighting illuminates stairs when passenger door is open
Electronic Flight Bag (EFB)The aircraft is equipped with a tablet EFB for controlling various aircraft options and payloads, including:
Set fuel quantity in individual tanks (including total fuel weight, automatically split between tanks)
Set payloads in passenger cabin and cargo holds (including Zero Fuel Weight)
Control over the pilot and cabin announcements
Quickly select aircraft states (Ready for Take-off, Turn-around and Cold-and-Dark)
Toggle ground power unit (GPU) and chocks
Monitor CG position and automatically set take-off trim based on CG
Aircraft configuration menu with many options, including altimeter sync, traditional/TCAS VSI, state saving, model options and much more
The EFB can also be used for flight planning and monitoring:
Import your simBrief flight plan and view a summary or scrollable full OFP
Monitor your position in real time using a map view with tracking, zoom and pan options
Explore and view your Navigraph charts
Use the Notepad to make notes during the flight
Never miss a step with interactive checklists
Enter your speed and altitude into the Top of Descent (TOD) calculator to work out when to start your descent
Various configuration options are available for the EFB itself, including brightness, theme, clock options and the ability to import custom wallpaper backgrounds. Electrical system
Independent engine, APU and external power (AC and DC) sources
Generator and TRU loading, and automatic and manual load switching
Emergency power sources, battery isolators and constant speed drive disconnect functions for non-normal procedures
Independent AC channels, including normal and essential bus bars
Accurate AC and DC load values depending on system usage
Flight model and effects
Realistic and accurate performance in the air and on the ground, using unique flight models for all variants based on real-world performance and handling data as well as input from real-world F28 crew
Custom effects for enhanced immersion, including engine, GPU and APU exhaust haze, contrails and touchdown smoke
Custom effects for engine exhaust smoke with various intensity levels depending on engine power setting
Complete exterior lights package as seen on the real F28, including landing, ice inspection, logo, navigation, strobe, taxi/landing flare-out lights and rotating upper and lower anti-collision lights that all illuminate objects and the ground
Fire protection system
APU and engine fire detection and warning systems
APU and engine fire extinguishing system
Fully simulated test functionality
Various overheat detection and warning systems on all subsystems
Flight controls
Fully simulated flight control system with three modes of operation
Aileron control tab simulation in Third Mode operation
Alternate stabiliser and flap controls
Stick shaker
Iconic tail-mounted airbrakes and lift dumpers with manual and automatic extension methods, all with realistic deployment times and custom deployment sounds
Gust lock functionality
Lift dumper lock functionality
Fuel system
Realistic fuel load and burn based on real-world data
Simulated fuel booster pump operation
Simulated centre tank fuel transfer via transfer pumps
Fully functional centre-to-wing fuel transfer, cross-feed and common-feed valves
HP fuel valve system with SHUT, START and OPEN positions
Simulated fuel collector tanks
Simulated digital fuel flow indicator including fuel flow, fuel consumed, aircraft weight, test and brightness functions
Hydraulic system
Independent UTILITY and FLIGHT CONTROL hydraulic systems with realistic pressure, quantity and supply to other systems
Simulated electrically driven back-up pumps for both hydraulic systems
Simulated loss of brake effectiveness with a hydraulic pressure loss
Ice and rain protection system
Simulation of airfoil anti-icing, engine anti-icing and windscreen heating
Ice detection and accumulation simulation for exterior surfaces
Ice detection and overheat warning systems for in-flight monitoring, including system tests
Indicating and recording systems
A vast array of annunciators, including accurately simulated Central Warning System (CWS) with master warning lights and ground test function
Flight Recorder with thumb-wheel entry for flight details (flight number and date)
Landing gear
Accurate landing gear retraction and extension times with timings varying based on hydraulic system pressure
Dynamic brake temperature dependent on brake application force and ambient temperature
Simulated alternate landing gear operation
Landing gear warning horn and cut-out
Over 20 fully functional lighting controls and switches in the cockpit controlling various lighting configurations
White (day) and red (night) cockpit lighting options
Independent lighting controls for Captain and First Officer
Dimmable integral lighting for each panel
Dynamic flood, storm and red night lighting for a highly immersive and customisable night environment
Freely moveable reading lights
Accurately simulated exterior lighting, including ice inspection, logo, navigation, strobe, taxi/landing flare-out lights and rotating upper and lower anti-collision lights
Cabin lighting controllable via forward galley panel, including forward and aft cabin lights, entry way lights and reading lights
Integral stair lighting in passenger door
Oxygen system
Flight crew and passenger oxygen systems with valve and mask deployment controls
Power plant
Accurately simulated Top Temperature Control (TTC) with take-off and climb modes
Accurately simulated flexible take-offs with throttle detent and thrust meter indicators, referencing Thrust Index tables from the real aircraft
Realistic engine start procedures with external, APU or cross-bleed start and in-flight restart functionality
Throttle control lock functionality with control selector levers to allow for a single engine to run up to 100% when on the ground
engine hush kits which can be toggled on/off
MSFS-native (Wwise) sound package taking full advantage of the new MSFS capabilities
Studio quality RB. 183 Mk 555-15P Spey Junior engine sounds
Over 450 flight deck sound effects recorded from the real aircraft
Detailed equipment audio such as the APU, electrical circuits, hydraulic equipment and many more
Detailed physics-based effects on engine and wind noise
Accurately positioned 3D sound sources (best enjoyed in VR!)
Custom crash and scraping effects
Pilot speed call-outs (rotate, V2, gear up etc. )
Cabin interaction with chimes and cabin crew announcements
Cabin music reproducer to play music in the cabin, with the ability for users to import custom music
Watch our in-depth sound overview video here!OTHER FEATURES
Over 250 pages of comprehensive PDF manuals with flight tutorial, systems guide, procedures, limitations and handling notes
Online tutorial series walking you step-by-step through an entire flight in the aircraft
Take-off and landing speed card which automatically displays reference speeds depending on current aircraft weight, and settable airspeed indicator bugs on the ASI
Multiple interior and exterior camera presets, including wing views
PSD paint kits available in the Support section so you can create your own paint schemes
Full support for MSFS checklists (manual and automatic/Co-pilot modes)
Support for numerous control assignments for compatibility with third-party controllers and hardware
Aerosoft | Contrail | Just Flight | Marketplace | SimMarket MSFS2020 | SimMarket MSFS2020 |
$50.39 ex tax
| $42.96 ex tax
| $50.39 ex tax
| $69.99 ex tax | $11.25 ex tax
| $42.13 ex tax
Aerosoft | $50.39 ex tax
Contrail | $42.96 ex tax
Just Flight | $50.39 ex tax
Marketplace | $69.99 ex tax |
SimMarket MSFS2020 | $11.25 ex tax
SimMarket MSFS2020 | $42.13 ex tax
FS Traffic
For over 20 years Just Flight has been bringing your virtual airports and skies to life with AI traffic packages, and with this latest instalment in the series, Microsoft’s Flight Simulator is now 'as busy as it gets'. FS Traffic features a fleet of brand-new aircraft models, all designed from the ground up to exploit the enhanced visuals of Microsoft’s new simulation platform, while still providing excellent FPS/performance. The aircraft include great features such as high definition 4096x4096 ... For over 20 years Just Flight has been bringing your virtual airports and skies to life with AI traffic packages, and with this latest instalment in the series, Microsoft’s Flight Simulator is now 'as busy as it gets'. FS Traffic features a fleet of brand-new aircraft models, all designed from the ground up to exploit the enhanced visuals of Microsoft’s new simulation platform, while still providing excellent FPS/performance. The aircraft include great features such as high definition 4096x4096 livery textures, night lighting textures, custom animations (including engine fans, flaps, spoilers and thrust reversers), custom visual effects (including contrails, engine heat blur, exterior lighting and touchdown smoke), compatibility with airport jetways and ground units, and realistic sounds by Turbine Sound Studios. All these features provide unmatched levels of realism and immersion at a level which can only be achieved in Microsoft Flight Simulator. Accurate flight plans in your simulator
FS traffic adds tens of thousands of real-life commercial flight plans from different time periods, giving full worldwide coverage of commercial airline traffic sourced from the same suppliers that power a number of popular flight tracking websites and apps. Flight plan data covers the summer 2022 and winter 2022/23 schedules.
Choose what day of the week you want to fly
The time and day of the week set in your flight simulator will determine which flights you see in the simulator. A Tuesday morning will appear vastly different to a Friday afternoon.
Customise your flight plans with the Traffic Control Centre
This powerful tool enables you to create new flight plans, add your own aircraft liveries and even add brand-new third-party aircraft models as AI, all included in one simple-to-use app.
Take control over your traffic via the FS Traffic in-sim menu
A simple-to-use in-sim menu allows you to remove and regenerate traffic on the fly.
Negligible impact on FPS/performance
The included AI models are built from the ground up to take full advantage of MSFS visuals yet produce no noticeable impact on FPS (when compared to default MSFS Offline Traffic).
Fly using your online networks
All aircraft models included with FS Traffic can also be used for model matching when flying on compatible online networks such as VATSIM.
High quality models
66 aircraft models/variants included
Built from the ground up to take full advantage of MSFS’s enhanced visuals
Built with performance in mind, to keep your FPS high
High quality liveries
Over 850 high quality liveries
4096x4096 textures
Worldwide coverage
Layered and detailed PSD-format paint kits featuring extensive detailing (static ports, stencils etc. ) for each included aircraft type
Real-life flight plans
Choose between flight plans from summer 2022 and winter 2022/23
Flight plans will vary depending on the time and date selected in the simulator
FPS friendly
Negligible performance hit, even at the busiest of airports (compared to default MSFS Live Traffic)
Tools are provided to adjust the level of detail and thus the FPS hit (LOD settings, texture detail, traffic density etc. )
Ease of installation
Just Flight installers allow for simple, hassle-free installation
Quick Start video guide to walk you through the set-up process
Traffic Control Centre
View and edit any FS Traffic flight plan
Filter flight plans by day, departure time, aircraft, airline or flight number
Create custom flight plans
Modify which liveries are assigned to a specific aircraft/airline combination
Add other third-party aircraft models and liveries from other traffic programs
Customise which ground services interact with the aircraft
Import alternative flight plans from a third-party source (such as simBrief)
Adjust FS Traffic core settings such as: selecting the year for which you wish to see flight plans, changing various livery substitution options, map provider options and various performance options allowing you to fine tune your FS Traffic experience.
In-sim menu
Options to remove and regenerate traffic
Set and edit the destination of the user aircraft
Custom animations
Custom-coded flaps, flaperons and slat animations that vary depending on the stage of flight
Engine reversers and spoilers deploy on landing
Landing gear bogie pivot animation
Aircraft effects
Engine heat blur
Exterior lighting - variations between colour and flash patterns of older incandescent and newer LED lighting (e. g. slower flash on LED strobe lights) and custom light halo textures
Touchdown smoke
Custom flight models
Realistic take-off, approach and landing speeds tuned to each aircraft type
Realistic take-off and landing distances tuned to each aircraft type
Improved take-off rotation
Realistic sounds provided by Turbine Sound Studios (TSS)
Realistic AI interaction with ATC, using airline callsign and flight number from the FS Traffic schedules
Online networks
VATSIM-compatible with model matching
vPilot VMR file included
MSFS Live Traffic and Multiplayer compatible with model matching (within the limitations of MSFS’s Live Traffic system)
PDF manualFree download click here. The full PDF manual (43 pages) is also included with the FS Traffic software. Included aircraft models
737-700 (blended winglets)
737-800 (blended winglets)
737-900 (blended winglets)
747-400 (GE)
747-400 (PW)
747-400 (RR)
757-200 (RR)
757-200 (RR winglets)
757-200 (PW)
757-200 (PW winglets)
757-300 (RR)
757-300 (RR winglets)
757-300 (PW)
757-300 (PW winglets)
767-300 (GE)
767-300 (GE winglets)
767-300 (PW)
767-300 (PW winglets)
767-300 (RR)
767-300 (RR winglets)
787-8 (GE)
787-8 (RR)
787-9 (GE)
787-9 (RR)
A319 (CFM)
A319 (CFM sharklets)
A319 (IAE)
A319 (IAE sharklets)
A319 (NEO)
A320 (CFM)
A320 (CFM sharklets)
A320 (IAE)
A320 (IAE sharklets)
A320 (NEO)
A321 (CFM)
A321 (CFM sharklets)
A321 (IAE)
A321 (IAE sharklets)
A321 (NEO)
A330-200 (GE)
A330-200 (PW)
A330-200 (RR)
A330-300 (GE)
A330-300 (PW)
A330-300 (RR)
A380-800 (EA)
A380-800 (RR)
Dash 8-400
Included airline liveriesOver 850 liveries are included, covering the following airlines from around the world:
Aegean Airlines
Aer Lingus
Aero Calafia
Aeroenlaces Nacionales S. A. De C. V.
Aerolineas Argentinas
Africa World Airlines
Air Algerie
Air Arabia
Air Asia (India) Private Limited
Air Astana
Air Austral
Air Baltic
Air Busan
Air Canada
Air Canada rouge
Air Caraibes
Air Caraibes Atlantique
Air Chathams
Air China Limited
Air Corsica
Air Cote D'Ivoire
Air Europa
Air France
Air India
Air India Charters Limited
Air Malta
Air Mauritius
Air New Zealand
Air Niugini
Air SERBIA a. d. Beograd
Air Tahiti
Air Tanzania Company Ltd.
Air Transat
AirAsia Berhad dba AirAsia
Airasia X Berhad dba Airasia X
Airdo Co. Ltd
Airline Allied Services Limited dba Alliance Air
Airline Utair - Ukraine
Airlines of Papua New Guinea Limited
Alaska Airlines
All Nippon Airways
Allegiant Air LLC
Alliance Airlines
American Airlines
Arik Air
Arkia Israeli Airlines
Aurigny Air Services Limited
Austrian Airlines
Azerbaijan Airlines
Azul Brazilian Airlines
AZUR Air Limited Liability Company
Bangkok Air
Belgian World Airlines
Binter Canarias
Blue Air
Blue Islands Limited
Boliviana de Aviacion - BoA
Braathens Regional
Braathens Regional Aviation AB
Breeze Airways
British Airways
Brussels Airlines
Buddha Air Ltd.
Bulgaria Air
CAIRE dba Air Antilles Express
Canadian North Inc.
Capital Airlines
Capiteq Limited dba AIRNORTH
Caribbean Airlines
Cathay Pacific
Cebu Pacific Air
Chengdu Airlines
China Airlines
China Eastern
China Express Airlines
China Southern Airlines
China West Air Co. Ltd.
China United Airlines
China West Air Co. Ltd.
Compagnie Aerienne ASKY dba ASKY
Compania de Servicios de Transporte Aereo Amaszonas - Amaszonas S. A
Compania Operadora de Corto y Medio Radio Iberia Express, S. A. U
COPA Airlines
Corendon Airlines
Croatia Airlines
Danish Air Transport
DART Limited Trust Distribution
Delta Air Lines
Eastern Air Lines Group Inc.
Easyjet Airline Company Limited
Edelweiss Air
Ethiopian Airlines
Etihad Airways
Evelop Airlines S. L.
Fastjet Airlines Limited
Fiji Airways
Flair Airlines Ltd.
French Blue
Frontier Airlines, Inc.
Fuji Dream Airlines Co. Ltd
Go Airlines (India) Ltd.
Guangxi Beibu Gulf Airlines Co. , Ltd.
Gulf Air
Hainan Airlines
Hawaiian Airlines
Hebei Airlines Co. Ltd.
IBEX Airlines Co. Ltd.
Interglobe Aviation Ltd. dba Indigo
Iran Air
Iraqi Airways
Japan Airlines
Japan Transocean Air Co. Ltd.
Jazeera Airways
Jeju Air Co. Ltd.
Jet2. com Limited
Jetstar Airways Pty Limited
Jetstar Japan Co. , Ltd.
JSC Aircompany SCAT
JSC Royal Flight Airlines
Juneyao Airlines
Kenya Airways
Korean Air
Kuwait Airways
Lan Airlines
Lion Airlines
Loganair Limited
LOT Polish Airlines
Lucky Air
Malaysia Airlines
Malindo Airways Sdn Bhd ( Malindo A
MN Airlines LLC
Nok Airlines Public Company Limited dba Nok Air
Norse Atlantic Airways
Norwegian Air International LTD.
Norwegian Air Shuttle A. S.
Okay Airways
Olympic Air
Oman Air
Passaredo Transportes Aereos S. A.
Peach Aviation Limited
Pegasus Airlines
Philippine Airlines
Porter Airlines Inc.
Precision Airlines
Professione Volare
PT. Batik Air Indonesia
PT. Citilink Indonesia
PT. Sriwijaya Air
PT. Wings Abadi Airlines
Qatar Airways
Qingdao Airlines Co. , Ltd
Red Wings
Regional Express 2
Royal Air Maroc
Royal Jordanian
Ryanair Ltd.
Ryukyu Air Commuter
S7 Airlines
SATA Air Acores
Saudi Arabian Airlines
Servicio Aereo a Territorios Nacion SATENA
Shenzhen Airlines
Sichuan Airlines
Silver Airways Corp
Singapore Airlines
SKY Airline
Sky Express S. A.
Solaseed Air Inc.
Southwest Airlines Co.
SpiceJet Ltd.
Spirit Airlines
Spring Airlines Limited Corporation
Sri Lankan
Star Air
Star Flyer Inc.
Sunwing Airlines Inc.
TAAG - Angola Airlines
TAP Portugal
Thai AirAsia
Thai Airways International
Thomas Cook Airlines Scandinavia A/
Thomson Airways Limited
THY - Turkish Airlines
Tianjin Airlines
Tibet Airlines Corporation Limited
Transavia Airlines
Transavia France
Transportes Aereos Regionales
Transportes Aeromar, S. A. de C. V.
Travel Service, A. S.
TUI Airlines Belgium t/a Jetairfly
TUI Airlines Nederland B. V.
TUI Airways
Turkmenistan Airlines
Uganda Airlines
Ukraine International Airlines
United Airlines
Ural Airlines
Uzbekistan Airways
Vietjet Aviation Joint Stock Company
Vietnam Airlines
Virgin Atlantic
Virgin Australia
Volotea, S. L.
VRG Linhas Aereas S. A. - Grupo GOL
Wind Rose Aviation Company
Wizz Air Hungary Ltd.
Wizz Air UK
Xiamen Airlines
Yunnan Hongtu Airlines
Zhejiang Loong Airlines Co. Ltd
Aerosoft | Contrail | Just Flight | Marketplace | SimMarket |
$39.99 ex tax | $30.27 ex tax
| $39.99 ex tax | $34.99 ex tax | $29.68 ex tax
Aerosoft | $39.99 ex tax |
Contrail | $30.27 ex tax
Just Flight | $39.99 ex tax |
Marketplace | $34.99 ex tax |
SimMarket | $29.68 ex tax
GCRR - Lanzarote Airport
Just Flight | Marketplace |
$20.49 ex tax
| $20.49 ex tax
Just Flight | $20.49 ex tax
Marketplace | $20.49 ex tax